
All of my work is related to teaching. But only some of it ends up on the teaching page. These are syllabi, videos, and essays to help you with your teaching.


Gender, Work and Family (Sociology 644). syllabus

Population and Society (graduate seminar). syllabus

Family Demography (graduate seminar). syllabus

Social Problems: Pandemic Edition (Sociology 105) syllabus

Families and Modern Social Theory (graduate seminar). syllabus

Social Stratification (Sociology 661). syllabus

Family and Society (Sociology 243). syllabus

A collection of teaching links and resources from the blog and my courses.

Video lectures

The Story Behind the Numbers

The wonderful animators at Kiss Me I’m Polish, who did the design and graphics for my book The Family, have also produced a series of short videos based on infographics from the text, under the title The Story Behind the Numbers. These are less than 2 minutes long and use just a few numbers, intended to spur reflection and discussion in conjunction with the details in the book — and I got to be the narrator:

Good teaching pieces

For years I’ve assembled blog posts to according to teaching topics. Now I have a book of essays — updated, improved, consolidated — that does a lot of that for you. It’s Enduring Bonds: Inequality, Marriage, Parenting, and Everything Else that Makes Families Great and Terrible (from University of California Press, or Amazon). The first chapter, on modernity and parenting, is up as a sample. If you’re teaching with The Family, you might like this list of blog pieces that go with each chapter of the book.


Research methods

Graphics and statistics


If you are an instructor who is using or considering The Family, I invite you to join this Facebook group for a teaching discussion.Demographic facts your students need to know right now (with COVID-19 addendum)